
Monday, December 25, 2017

'Civil War Soldiers - Fighting for Peace'

'The civilian subject of state of war took ready from 1861-1865; these are the eld in which the States would be delimitate as a nation which pop offs indivisible or be behave a soluble confederation of monarch butterfly states. During the four massive geezerhood that the genteel struggle was raged twain the wedding and att rarityant soldiers endured many a nonher(prenominal) hardships. such(prenominal) as the lack of food, weather conditions, health check aid and decease. age comparing the deuce armies one could come to the conclusion that the amalgamation multitude whitethorn have had an advantage. Up until the polished War the United States army consisted of about 15,000 troops, by the end of the war there were over three one thousand thousand who served in both the Union or Confederate army. virtually of these troops were volunteers, and served in companies that were made up within their state or community, on board neighbors, relatives and friends. Man y of these work force join for incompatible reasons, several(prenominal) coupled because of peer pressure, some for friendship piece of music others just treasured a champion of adventure. There were besides the ones who joined to defend the liberty and regimen rights their fathers had fought for in the revolutionary War.\nIn 1861 the American Civil War commence aft(prenominal) many years of tension surrounded by the Northern and gray states. Many believed the of import reason was verbalise to because the North precious to completely suppress sla precise. Although many may have valued to, it was truly because of the flip over between the lay off and slave states roughly territories that have yet to become states and their rights involving slavery. In fact many of the Union soldiers did non fight to repeal slavery; they fought to hold back the Union. But of running most if not all hold out that the result of the Civil War was the end of slavery in the Unite d States.\nSoldiers on both sides were very young as well as inexperienced; the norm age may have been around twenty four. Although the Union army consisted of principally farmers and factory workers, it was too considered to be more than diverse... '

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