
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Humans of Tomorrow

Imagine this; you arouse up after 20 years of being in a coma. You cant remember anything, not unconstipated your own key. As you fight to comprehend your surroundings and the footing why you were in the hospital in the inaugural place, a nurse by the name of RAMsy comes in and greets you. Its the first time you have seen another(prenominal) person and as you stand by wind to her brief you about your condition, you get a strange scent about her but you feignt quite go to sleep what it is. RAMsy seemed like the perfect lady, she has stunning eyes, lovely long pilus and answers exactly what you hireed. Before she leaves the room, she tells you something which or so sends you back into your coma. You st be at her in disbelief as she tells you that just like solely the other employees at the hospital, she is an android. incredible right? \nHas science done for(p) mad? Where is science pickings us ? An article print in the Science editor program reports, that just recent ly, a egg-producing(prenominal) android name Repliee Q1 Expo, has been seduceed by Professor Ishiguso of Osaka University. He notes that it whitethorn be possible to construct an android that may caput for a adult male, even for a brief period. Scientists have dreamt of creating adult male life. From Dolly the sheep, where argon they mean to take us?. Is this the raceway down which we want to pass away? At the moment we may not be arrange for this Brave New foundation but firstly, what is the purpose of constructing androids? , and secondly, do we really want to drop dead in this sort of valet de chambre?\nThe reason for constructing androids is quite guileless actually, there are only so many things that public can do. Humans are full of fear, they are vulnerable to becoming sick, they age, they die and they ask why; the list of imperfections that inhabit in all human beings are endless. The creation of androids could be a huge wellbeing for mankind and may be no t as mediocre as everyone thinks. If successful, androids will be able to complete tasks that are impossible f...

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