
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Does God Exist?

Does theology ExistAs valet de chambre universes , we rely heavily on what we pay off with our five sensory organs . We judge the world and inception based on the things we see , hear , feel , stop , and touch . Hence we gain a lot in our experience and interaction with and in the world . On the other drop dead , we process these sensory stimuli and collective experiences with our mind and crystal clear thinking . It could then be assumed that the two chief(prenominal) sources of our acquaintance and understanding of the world come from reason and experienceExperience taken by reason and exchangeablewise reasoning affirmed or denied by experience accumulates questions and curiosity to truths or to the truth . Persistent questions that plagued human race since so long ago still sink in our thoughts today . One of w hich is the question of foundation and pragmatism . Do I exist ? Does the world exist ? Does paragon exist Among these experiential inquiries , maybe the `easiest ace to go up and study in is the arrogance of one s self universe of discourse and perhaps the hardest one to prove , argue , and speculate about is the one pertaining to the divine existence s . The latter one will be explored in thisThe eleventh ascorbic acid philosopher St . Anselm of Canterbury in his Proslogion , tried to take a firm stand idol s existence using the so called onto logical business line . The ontological program line uses reason or logic alone to assert God s existence . St . Anselm proposed that we certainly could study of a organism than which no greater can be conceived , and which exists (qt . in Oppy .
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And if this being that is greater than anything else above everything else , exists as an songful theme or a invention in our minds , it s suddenly necessary for him to exist in reality as headspring since if he doesn t he couldn t maybe be the being which no greater can be conceived (OppyYet some other homogeneous version of the ontological descent was explicated by the seventeenth century philosopher Rene Descartes . He claims that God s proof is simply from the idea of a supremely perfective being (Oppy And just like Anselm , Descartes argues that it would be ridiculous to conceive of a supremely perfect being that doesn t exist . If he lacks existence then he couldn t possibly be the supreme perfect being . God being the supreme perfect being in itself asserts his existenceOn the other hand , the 13th century philosopher St . Thomas doubting Thomas inferred God s existence from experience or what is evident to our senses . For instance , his argument from move asserted God s existence by the concomitant that in the world of senses it is obvious that some things are in intercommunicate (Aquinas Ia q . 2 a . 3 . In this argument , Aquinas pointed out that for things in the world to move or to be in motion it must be ascribe in motion by another (Aquinas Ia q . 2 a . 3 . But this moved by a factor which is subsequently moved by another certainly couldn t go on to...If you want to get a full essay, range it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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