1984 Author- George Orwell Genre- Fiction Original Publication Date- 1949 Characters- Winston Smith- A baby ingredient of the ruling gild in approach-future London, thin, frail, contemplative, intellectual, and fatalistic thirty-nine-year-old, hates the totalistic control and enforced repression that ar characteristic of his government, harbors revolutionary dreams. Julia- Winstons lover, graceful dark-haired girl, whole outfit in the Fiction discussion segment at the Ministry of Truth, enjoys sex and claims to tolerate had affairs with slicey companionship members, pragmatic and optimistic, her rising against the troupe is itty-bitty and personal, for her own enjoyment OBrien- mysterious, powerful, and cultivate member of the Inner Party, Winston believes he is besides a member of the Brotherhood, the legendary meeting of anti-Party rebels mountainous Brother- he neer appears in the novel and he may not truly exist, the perceive ruler of Oceania, posters be everyplace with double Brothers brass section bearing the message medium-large BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU., Big Brothers image is stamped on coins and vent on the unavoidable telescreens, it haunts Winstons use up and fills him with hatred and fascination Mr.

Charrington- old man who runs a secondhand air in the prole district, cordial and encouraging, he seems to support Winstons confusion against the Party and his relationship with Julia, he rents Winston a room without a telescreen to carry out his affair, he is a member of the touristed opinion Police Syme- smart, outgoing man, who work with Winston at the Ministry of Truth, specializes in language, he is works on a new edition of the Newspeak dictionary, Winston thinks Syme is too intelligent to stay in the Partys favor Parsons- fat, obnoxious, and dull Party member, lives near Winston and works at the Ministry of Truth, has a dull wife and a group of suspicious, ill-mannered children who are members of the Junior Spies Emmanuel... If you want to motor a full essay, launch it on our website:
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