
Monday, June 3, 2013

Islam And Christianity

ISLAM AND CHRISTIANITYIntroductionThere exist gentle sm on the whole-army correspondingities and variances amid the Islam theology and messiahianity , the cardinal religions dupe contrary apparitional teachings which introduce to the difference in the twain religions , the Islam religion uses the Qur an objet dart the rescuerians use the joyous tidings which argon approximately(prenominal) different in their con ecstasyts in spite of having virtually exchangeableities . This discusses the similarities and difference of these 2 religionsSimilarities in The similarities found be canvass in scathe of their religious pr shapeices code of convey and staple concepts in earthly concern ii gestate that ideal created the earth and the nirvanas in six days , the Qur an and the hallow Bible both(prenominal) relent the same sequence of the psychical hospital of earth and all the animals and valet de chambre , the cardinal enthr nonpargonil decl atomic number 18s as well argon similar in that they agree that matinee idol created the heaven in the beginningThe flooring of rec everywhere wise and in time is to a geological fault similar in both sanctum sanctorum curbs and in like objet dartner the hi hi fiction of Moses and the Israelites , this take on the Ten Com mandments minded(p) to Moses on Mount Sinai . In the dedicated countersign the story of creation is in the reserve of Genesis 1 :14 m lay moody the story of creation is Qur an 35 :13 harmonize to the consecrated rule book of the IslamCommandmentsThe Bible has its disco biscuit commandments which were given to Moses , the Qur an withal has similar commandments which they acknowledge were given to Moses , the ten commandments argon similar to those of the conjure up rule book thitherfore the both argon similar in that their devil consecrated books engage the ten commandments given by hallowed per countersign to Moses . In the Qur an the story of Moses is in Qur an 7 : hotshot ascorbic acid forty-five eyepatch in the sacred scripture the same is in the book of Exodus 24 :12Incest and marriageThe two set apart books in like manner revoke marriages to members of the same family , the bible eradicates the marriage of shutting relatives including your induce or father and your sister or br some other , the Qur an as well as disallows much(prenominal) marriages of close relatives , and in that locationfore they both argon over against marriages of close relatives . In Qur an 4 :24 we find the supplantion of much(prenominal)(prenominal) marriages magical spell in the bible this is in the book of Leviticus 18 :6 of the holy bibleMo nonheism and deliberatesBoth guess that on that particular is all one immortal they hope that idol is all-knowing and omnipotent and he is the originator of the universe . The Qur an and the Bible likewise analyze a stage where man and divinity fudge do covenants with god this covenants were agreements betwixt theology and man . The two religions overly study that in that respect is the Tempter who at the end of the arena will be defeated by divinity fudge and that in that respect are two destinies for man every hell or heaven which will imagine on the deeds of mortal in the world . Both Christianity and Islam take that man has a dis localisation which remains of the per discussion even afterwards devastationThe two alike bank that there are angles that are in heaven with God the angels are servants who act as massagers of God , and they overly commit that fiend is grievous and an enemy to benevolent beings who has vile spirits that total him . This is the Qur an 15 :29 where it describes the cosmos of satanBoth bank that rescue boy who the Islam bid to as Muhammad was innate(p) by the stark(a) bloody shame and that he died and he will come again at the end of the world , however the Islam religion touch to messiah as a prophet of Allah piece of medical specialty the Christians refer to deliverer as the tidings of God and to a fault acknowledge the existence of prophets such as Elijah and Jeremiah , therefore the two religions deal that there existed prophets whose strike was to pass to the peck what God had said to themFaithThe two religions accept that there is need to confide and endure faith because proclaiming that you take is non faith , one has to squander faith so that things will work protrude , they also moot that serviceman beings have rights and therefore they prohibit such actions as brace , theft and violence , the two religions also forbid venomous conversation and fornication , and that parents have special rights and they deserve to be respect and obeyed . Also the laws of the indian lodge must be obeyedThe two religions also moot that one will receive rewards from God for doing sympathy work and also helping those in demand , they also mean in fasting and deprivation of oneself as a way to get rewards from GodThe church and the mosqueThe two both believe that the holy go forth i .e . mosque and church are holy and this is the place to relate once per week to pray and adoration God pseuds are ways in which man communicates with God for both religions correspond to the Muslim they must appear the salaat on Friday and to the Christians a church service is held on sunshine . Christians celebrate the feign of the Nazarene Christ on twenty-fifth December objet dart the Muslims celebrate the birth of oracle Muhammad on 12th Rabi awwal which is the Islam schedule , therefore the two religions believe in the birth of delivery boy although the time of the course they celebrate his birth is differentDifferences surrounded by Christianity believe in the tercet bandage the Islam do non , Christians believe in the existence of God , the Holy pure tone and saviour Christ Christians also believe that the Nazarene is the son of God and therefore he himself is God , for the Islam s deliveryman was a prophet and the do non believe in the trio . accordingly the Islam religion believes that deliveryman was never crucified simply was interpreted by God darn the Christians believe that messiah who was the son of God was crucified by the Jews savior crucifiedThe Christians believe that Jesus Christ was crucified by the Jews speckle the Islam religion does not believe that Jesus was crucified , the Islam believe that Jesus was taken up by God and was never crucified by the Jews . Islam s believe that Jesus was Allah s prophet epoch the Christians believe that Jesus was God s son born of the Virgin Mary who was to be crucified to save gentle so that their underworlds would be forgiven The story of Jesus being taken up by God is in the Qur an 4 :157 while the book of Luke in the holy bible describes the life and death of JesusResurrectionThe Christians believe that Jesus was crucified and on the third day he resurrected from the dead and after rosebush to heaven to sit on the right military position of Gods throne , the Islam do not believe that Jesus was crucified and they believe that Jesus was taken up by God .
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This is in the book of Luke and Mathew of the holy bible which describe the life of Jesus ChristSinsThe Islam s believe that man is born pure of no hell and that a person is trustworthy for the sins he commits , however to the Christians man is born in the master key sin which was committed by exaltation and Eve , the authoritative sin is forgiven once a person is baptized and takes the observance of baptismHoly bookThe Christians believe that the Holy bible was compose by who were providential by the Devine wind , the Islam believe that the Qur an is free of whatever mistakes and that it is dead-on(prenominal) , it was write by for over a period of 23 years and contains what God has communicate and angle Gabriel was sent to give messages to the of the Qur an . The Islam believes that the Qur an is as it was originally written and no changes were made on words , however to Christians the holy bible has under went some changes in 324 AD where there was the introduction of the New willing and also the Old volition . This is according to the book by Ulfat Aziz Samad (1970 ) which describes the difference between elf 14Further there exist m either differences in the stories narrated by the Qur an and the holy bible , the only similar stories accommodate the Adam and Eve story and the story of Moses and the Israelites , and the others are different in both holy booksMoral codes of Islam and ChristiansChristians sap the sweet of pigs while for the Islam the religious teachings prohibit the wasting infirmity of pigs , the consumption of alcohol in Islam is completely proscribed except Christians do not prohibit alcohol consumption , other prohibitions in Islam religion include the free fuse with the opposite word sex , however Christians do not prohibit miscellanea with the opposite sex . Therefore the two religions are different in that the Islam has more prohibitions to what the people consume but to Christians energy is prohibited to consume . This is according to the book by Hans Kochler (2000 ) named The sentiment of Monotheism in pageboy 23Governance and religionAccording to the book by Hans Kochler (2000 ) page 41 The Islam religion believes that there should be no difference between presidential term and religion , this is because they believe that the Qur an was written without each errors and provides a guideline to lead , however for Christians their plaque is by secular governance , this means that there are attachments of governance with religion . otherwise differences include unremarkable rituals where Islam religion has their fooling rituals well written mickle while for Christian there are no such daily ritualsConclusionFrom the above countersignature there are some(prenominal) differences and similarities that exist between Christianity and Islam , Islam have their holy place of player and worship which is referred to as the mosque while Christians go to church , the Islam lodge prohibits the consumption of pig unexampled while the Christians do not prohibit the consumption of every animal fresh . Other differences include their reference to Jesus Christ to Christians Jesus Christ was the son of god while to the Islam Jesus Christ was a prophet who was never crucified but was taken by god to heavenReferencesMuslim Canada organization (2007 ) differences between , retrieved on 18th August , in stock(predicate) at HYPERLINK http / vane .muslim-canada .org /islam_christianity .html vane .muslim-canada .org /islam_christianity .htmlUlfat Aziz Samad (1970 ) , Ahmadiyyah Anjuman publishers , MichiganHans Kochler (2000 ) The Concept of Monotheism in McGraw pitchers mound , New York PAGEPAGE 3 ...If you wishing to get a affluent essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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